Sunday, June 29, 2008


One of the loveliest people ever to grace this planet had her birthday earlier this month. As a complusive present buyer, I was planning her little surprise months before the day and scoured the far reaches of the internet looking for a present worthy of such a special person. I found it, passed it through the quality test (aka my boyfriend, the bear) and bought it 2 month before the big day.




Two weeks before the birthday, it still hadn't arrived... Crap... I panicked!
Instead of making my life easier and getting something from I shop, I though "I know... I'll make a present!" and this is what I came up with...

Based on one of my very favourite fairy tales, I decided to make a cut out of the moment just before the execution, when the princess throws the shirts made out of thorns at her brothers who were cursed to live as swans so, that they can become human again. the version that I heard as a little girl was a bit different from the one that you can read if you click on the words "fairy tales", but what really matters is that all is well at the end.
For a great novel based on this tale read Juliet Marillier's wonderful first novel "Daughter of the Forest".

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