Saturday, July 05, 2008

super pink

I'm not a very pink person, to tell the truth it is a colour that is growing on me very very slowly... I actually hated it as a teenager. But, when I was asked to make this doll, especifically a doll, not cat, nor a fish not even a teddy bear, all I could think of was the pink obsession of the person who asked me for it. And with pink in mind, all I could think of was my sister as a little girl dressing up for her ballet classes (hence the skininess of the character!).
This little doll has a secret, if you take her to a dark place the symbol in her chest (it's meant to be a cat, you can barely notice it in the picture... blame the photographer) lights up!! Hurray for glow in the dark embroidery thread, it is a bitch to sew but, it looks oh so very cool.


Anonymous said...

Sandrinha, minha linda...estive uns tempos sem cá vir e encontro agora trabalhos teus fantásticos :)...esta boneca está um "show" e "mãe & filho" ainda mais fantásticos....não é que me espante pois fazes coisas realmente lindas :)...ainda cá está o teu coelho...embora agora tenha novo dono...o Gonçalo, o teu "sobrinho" ok temos muito que falar, se é que ainda me falas :P...bem eu continuo sempre a vir a estas bandas espreitar o teu trabalho :). Muitas beijocas grandes, BOM ano para ti e abraçinhos. Ilda(Kubiak)

P.S.:kubiak...lembras-te? :)

MiauMau said...

porque e que nao havia de falar??

...sobrinho??... Ja andas a procriar?? :)


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