Thursday, December 17, 2009

cantarei ate que a voz me doa (I'll sing until my voice aches)

I've got a sore throat and a cold, but tonight I'll carol to my heart's delight until my voice starts to ache. Sure this isn't a Christmas song, but it seems poignant to me today :P

Cantarei até que a voz me doa
I'll sing until my voice aches
Pra cantar, cantar sempre meu fado
to sing, sing forever my fado*
Como a ave que tão alto voa
like the bird that flies so high
E é livre de cantar em qualquer lado
and is free to sing everywhere

Cantarei até que a voz me doa
I'll sing until my voice aches

Ao meu país, à minha terra, à minha gente
to my country, land, my people
À saudade e à tristeza que magoa
to saudade* and painful sadness
O amor de quem ama e morre ausente
to the love of someone who loves and dies alone

Cantarei até que a voz me doa
I'll sing until my voice aches

Ao amor, à paz cheia de esperança
to love, peace filled with hope
Ao sorriso e à alegria da criança
to a child's smile and joy
Cantarei até que a voz me doa
I'll sing until my voice aches

* fado - difficult word to translate. It literally means fate but, in some occasions it is more similar to karma. It is also the name for this traditional Portuguese style of music.
* saudade - no word in English can encompass the meaning of saudade. It is a very typical Portuguese feeling (we're a very melodramatic people), the closest thing that I found was longing but, it still isn't strong enough to explain what saudade means. Saudade is that pit that you feel in your stomach when someone is faraway and the bittersweet feeling you get when you remember a departed loved one.

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