Wednesday, August 15, 2007

them innocent people

You might have noticed a little addition that I have made to my blog, if not, just look under the list of wonderful people and studios and you will find the hatometer.
It is another charity money making scheme by the lovely people at Innocent drink. Now, I'm not much for advertising, but, the innocent people not only make wonderful drinks but, the also support a lot of charities. This year, I joined in the partying at their innocent village fete at regent's park, and now I'm preparing myself to give them a little hand at trying to knit 400000 little hats in aid of the charity Age Concern!!
Almost 25,000 older people died of cold related illnesses last winter, so it’s important for us to do our bit. Age Concern will use the money raised to provide support to older people in winter including hot meals, blankets and advice on how to keep their houses warm.
In 2006 they managed to raise £115,000 by knitting 230,000 hats. This year the innocent people are dreaming about what £200,000 could do.
So, if you live in the UK, try to do one of these two things, either go knitting crazy like myself or around november time, if you go to sainsburys buy an innocent drink WITH A HAT and 50p will revert to Age Concern... and get a warm and fuzzy feeling because you just did a nice thing for someone else ;)

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