Friday, July 09, 2010

another mouse?

When the bear's boss told me that his wife was going to have a little girl, I immediately thought "mmm, must make a toy!!". We had worked together on Despereaux and most recently on the new Narnia movie and I thought "Why not make a mouse? That will be amusing!".
So, today I gave him the little mousette that you can see in the picture above accompanied by the words "... you might not know this but, I make toys...".
He stared at it surprised, blinked a couple of time (I guess that his brain was trying to process the reason why he had a soft toy in his hands!) smiled, said some lovely words and then said "well, this one is going next to Desperaux."
I'm a happy bunny :)

happy customers

A while ago my bear asked me, "You spend so much time and love making your toys, don't you feel sad when they're gone?"
Without hesitation I replied, "No, it is actually a pleasure to give them away, nothing beats the happiness (and sometimes) surprise on someone's face when I plonk a softie in their hands".
It quite literally gives me a buzz and makes me smile all day long :)
The only thing that can beat that, is a "happy customer" photo and here are my very first ones!
Thanks Marc!
 Here's little Inez with the Moo. I just love the fact that the softie is almost as big as her :D
... and here's Finn proudly showing Mr. Penguin.

This might sound a bit weird, but when I make a toy I talk with it as I go along, especially when I know that the owner is going to be a child. In my mind I give it a personality, imagine the adventures that they'll have together and hope that the softie will always be there ready for a hug if necessary. 
I instill so much into each toy that I'm surprised that they haven't started talking to me :P
... coff, coff, how made am I sounding just about now?...

Thursday, July 01, 2010

My Hugsy eats... Flowers!

I apologize for the crummy picture, but, if you're like me you'll understand... I just cannot help myself, as soon as I finished this cutey (or any other softy) all I want to do was to take is to the person that commissioned from me, just to see the look on his/her face :D
This little cow is part of a collection named "My hugsy eats..." and was made for a tiny baby called Inez (by the way the name on the back was hand embroidered and glows in the dark how totally awesome is that?)
This cute chap was also commissioned by the same person, for his 3 year old son, who's totally obsessed with penguins.
Hopefully, I'll be able to post some photos of the happy customers pretty soon!


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